John: God's gift to man
The life, times, trials and tribulations of John.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Causing a Stir @ the Gym
I have been a member of my gym for two years. When I first started going to the gym, patrons just grabbed the gym towels as needed off the rack. Unfortunately, this resulted in a majority of lost gym towels.
Trying to find a solution to this problem, my gym now asks that you leave your keys with them in place of the towel. That way, it requires you to turn the towel back in and to make sure it does not get lost. I have no problem doing this.

Monday, February 20, 2006
Ok, so it was my sophmore year in college and my friends from home came to visit. Catarina, Katrina and Bessie drove the hour and a half across the bridge to meet me at my apartment. I had just gotten off work from the dinner shift at the dining hall and was kind of tired. They looked at me and said, "We wanna go to a club." I felt obliged to take them.
We hopped the metro and rode into DC, specifically Dupont Circle. Now I had only been to Badlands a couple of times, and both times, Kenneth drove. So having three people asking me where to go, and me having no idea was quite frustrating. I asked a guy who was walking by, how to get to Badlands and he kindly told me the way.
We walked down about three to four blocks and turned right to find the club. There was a line, since it was cold and a Thursday night which meant it was college night. We got in line, and Cat and Trina kept looking at each other. When we just got up to the door where our id's were being checked, I turned around and said, "Oh, By the way this is a GAY CLUB, I'm GAY!" Immediately their eyes widened and their mouths formed O shapes.
Badlands came to be a place we frequented often, and we still have fond memories of it. (Half naked men dancing on boxes with six pack abs, and they could touch and watch.........the girls loved it!)
Sunday, February 19, 2006
The Conquering of Mark
I first met Mark my freshman year. He was the boyfriend of a girl I knew. I know it was wrong, but while I was close friends with her, I lusted after Mark. I don't know what it was about him. He had dark hair, brown eyes, and when he smiled, it was more of a lude smirk that flashed semi perfect whites. He was lean and lanky, and there was just something about him that oozed sex appeal to me.
Well four years went by as I watched Mark date all the girls I knew. He bounced from one to another. Al the time with me still in complete and total thrall. I lost touch with him, and it wasn't until the summer after my junior year at college, that I found him again.
He was living in a trailer outside of town and was engaged to Margie. Now me and Margie were friends but we weren't very BEST friends. We actually had started talking during on of our highschool plays, in which we had to kiss (I ended up throwing up from nerves right before the moment, not to mention, the toga I was in kept falling down).
Mark had just returned from the air force and he was looking hotter then ever. He had gained some weight, but it was all muscle, and it was in all the right places.
So there I was sitting at home, watching Real World New Orleans, when Danni came on. When he came on, I sat there thinking, "God, if only I could have one moment with a guy like him, I'd be good forever." That's when I decided I would stop pussyfooting around and drove over to Mark's
I found Mark working on his car outside and I lent him a hand. I am not a mechanical person, but I helped him. We worked on the car for a while fixing it, then went in to wash our hands. It was getting late and we started talking. He was rambling on about something. Finally we just sat in silence and I got irritated.
"So you want a blowjob?"
"No thanks," he replied without even missing a beat. Well so much for that. I had tried it and it failed. So why did I keep sitting there?
Mark kept talking, and finally when he had exhausted everything he could think of he asked me a question.
"Why did you ask me that?"
"Well, I was bored and I think you are cute and was just wondering if you wanted one."
"Yeah, but why?"
"Just cause...." The whole time my brain was smiling. I was in, even if the door was only cracked open. I could see the wheels in his head constantly turning.
"When I was in the airforce, well, I had thought about it once. A guy had asked me but I was too scared and shit."
HOLY SHIT! So, he wasn't a virgin to the idea. Now the only problem was, it was 10:30pm and Margie would be home soon after 11, after her shift ended. How the hell was I gonna pull this off???????
That's when the phone rang, breaking the silence. Mark went over and picked it up. It was Margie. She had picked up another shift and wouldn't be home until the morning. He told her that was fine and did not mention that I was visiting. (Margie knew my feelings in regards to Mark, it was one of the Truth or Dare questions) He hung up the phone and he looked at me. He walked over to the door, locked it and closed the blinds.
"So how do we do this?"
Thursday, February 16, 2006
The Kiss of Drake
Me and Keira, have had our rocky times, but she is probably one of the greatest friends I have, and will ever have. We are kind of like brother and sister in some ways.
It was my first year of college and I came home most of the weekends to the shore. Keira still lived here with her father and worked as a GNA. During that time, she was dating a guy named Drake. Drake had brownish/blonde hair which was wavy and wild. He had eyes that looked like a puppy dog begging to be pet and he was almost as white as snow. Drake had facial hair which sometimes was not very groomed and he was bone thin. Me and Drake sometimes got along, but most times we didn't.
Well one night I stopped by to visit Keira at her parents house and Drake was there. Also visiting was another friend of ours, Margie. At that time Margie was engaged to a friend of ours named Mark (his story will come later). We all chatted and caught up and the night seemed to go on forever. Well Keira's parents went to bed and so not to disturb them, we moved our little gathering into the back room.
It was long, before we decided to play "truth or dare." We each went around until finally, I dared Margie and Keira to kiss. Keira was fine with this, being bisexual, but Margie was hesitant. That's when she said, "If you kiss Drake!" As I said before, Drake was not my type and rarely did we get along, so as for kissing him, that was not an option. We sat there complaining about each other's dares until Drake finally stood up, grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me.
First he began by sucking on my top lip with his soft lips. Then he slowly slipped his tongue into my mouth nice and deep, making a suction sound as our lips fluxuated between open and closed. He still had his hand at the back of my neck, holding me firmly in his grasp. This kiss was deep, it was soft yet agressive and it was passionate. Even before I knew what was going on, he let go of the back of my neck and sat back down. It took me a minute to realize that my lips were in mid air puckering to empty space.
By the time I had shook the effect off, Keira and Margie were kissing. I don't know how it was for them, but I was tongue tied. Drake had reached in and with his skillfull tongue, robbed me of all words and only left gutteral groans and deep breathes. That was the kiss of Drake.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Winter Wonderland or Prison of WHITE?

(Note: If you buy a grocery store, have a weatherman in your pocket. People go nuts when they hear storm, whether Hurricane, or Snow!)

Above are some pictures I took, while on my front porch during the snow
storm. I love how the snow has an almost cleansing affect. Unfortunately during that cleansing, it also trapped me inside of the house. Oh well, I got to catch up on some of my reading.
Valentines Day
OK, so what can I say, my Valentines Day sucked, as usual. I never have a date, never get any cards, and everyone always mentions how great their day was! Five years ago, my friend Catarina and I, tried to get dates online to avoid the "shame" of being single on this HOLY day. It did not work. We ended up just going out together and telling people that we were meeting some hot guys.
Well this year, I went to the gym after work. I waited around for my Body Pump class, but while I was, I noticed Chocolate at the top of the stairs looking down at me on the treadmill. He met my gaze and walked towards the lockerroom. Part of me really really REALLY wanted to follow him up those stairs, but I could not. Instead, I went to my Body Pump class.
As I walked into the room for Body Pump, I noticed my friend's boyfriend walking out. Now it being Valentines Day, I looked around for my friend, and was surprised that he was nowhere in sight. His boyfriend was alone at the gym. Thinking nothing of it, I went to my class. I added some weight since I was getting used to current weight I was using. I also found out that Denise, my usual instructor, broke her collar bone in a sledding accident. (For a very healthy girl, she is rather ACCIDENT PRONE)
I finished my hour with Body Pump, and went upstairs to the lockerroom. As I was changing for the suana, I saw Chocolate walk out and start getting dressed. He had been in there for an hour. A few seconds later, my friend's boyfriend walks out and heads to the showers..................
Now I have no idea if anything happened in there, or the status of my friend's relationship, whether it be monogamous or open, so I can not speculate.
I however do have a question for you all...........Is jerking off with another guy when you are in a relationship (if it is monogamous) CHEATING?????
Friday, February 10, 2006
Pumping it Up....Part DUH!
Ok, so I got a lot of flack from people for not doing anything about the guy in the sauna. My friend Keira said she would kill for an oppurtunity like that, and wishes it would happen to her. My friend Degeek sent me a link for how to cruise saunas. I read up on it, and decided if the moment came again, I would put these rules to the test.
So tonight, FRIDAY, I went to the gym. I took Joanne's Body Pump class, which didn't hurt as much as when I took Denise's. Either I'm getting used to the class, or Joanne took it easy on us cause it was Friday. The class let out at 7:15pm and there was hardly anyone in the gym. I'm guessing most people are out partying on a Friday night. So I took a shower (they finally have all of them fixed!) and entered the sauna. When I entered, the heater had just kicked out, so I sat in the corner diagonally across from the door in my towel and relaxed.
A few moments later, in came a guy in shorts, a sweatshirt and shoes. He turned on the light when he came in, and a few minute he left, turning the light back out. (I prefer the lights out, it's more relaxing). A moment passes, and the guy walks in again. Nice white lanky body, wearing blue boxer shorts. Sitting on the white towel he brought, I noticed he had a little bit of peach fuzz on the face which gave him a sort of cute look. We both sat there in silence waiting for the heater to kick back on.
Time passes slowly, and I notice a man passing by the door. Unfortunately, I'm at the farthest point away from the door, and without my glasses, I can't see that far clearly. Shortly afterwards, in walks the nice dark black man that I had seen in the sauna twice before (the same guy from Pumping it UP). This time he was wearing some black boxer briefs and some tennis shoes when he came in. He sat down directly across from the guy in the blue boxers, who was to my left (he was sitting on the top bench). So Chocolate (I nicknamed him this cause of his skin, and cause I love chocolate, not to mention I have NO IDEA what his name is) looked at the heater, and went about fixing the thermostat so the heater would kick on.
Just as the heater kicked, in walks Mas and Menos (I got the name from a cartoon show my nephew watches. On the show, the Mas and Menos are two spanish speaking twins who move at super speed, but only when they touch each other). This Mas and Menos are two hispanic guys who always come in and leave together. They are short and stocky, though it's solid build, with tan skin and dark features. They sit in the sauna speaking spanish, and I do not know if they can even SPEAK english. They were wearing their bikini brief underwear like they always do.
So sitting there while the room heated up, I kept my eyes on Chocolate and the blue boxers guy. They both had their legs spread with their hands covering their crotch area. I watched as their chests heaved in and out with the humidity. Chocolate's pecs were doing a little bouncy thing that kept grabbing my attention.
Well the heater kicked in to full gear, and Chocolate stood up and removed his boxer briefs. He sat back down and hunched over with his arms on his legs. Mas and Menos were continually chit chatting in spanish following it up with laughing. When Chocolate unveiled...........they sat very quietly. The white guy to my left, dropped down to the bottom bench and copied Chocolate's pose (constantly looking down at his crotch to see if anything was showing). Finally Mas and Menos walked out, having been too hot for them or intimidated by Chocolate, leaving the sauna.
That left, just me, the white guy and Chocolate. The white guy I think was interested in starting something, but I don't know if it was the heat, or maybe it was just me, but he got up and left. And then there were two.
As soon as the white boy left, Chocolate laid down on his bench, propping the leg against the wall up and leaving the one closest to me hanging down, giving me a nice full view of his entire body. I saw every ripple, and with the sweat glistening, all his features were outlined. The only thing I hated was in the dark, that I could see if he was staring at me or not.
Keeping my towel wrapped around me, I laid down parallel to him across the room, except where my crotch was, his face was and where his crotch was my face was. I kept glancing over at his body, trying to see if he would do anything or make any kind of move. He didn't, but I started thinking about the previous time we were in there. The semi erect cock pointed away from his tight, hanging balls. No sooner did I think that, then Chocolate got up and walked out of the sauna.
Laying there for a second, I kept thinking, "Did I miss my chance, AGAIN?" When I got up to get my water bottle, I looked down and saw it. From underneath my towel, I was pitching a tent. Did Chocolate see this and leave????? I was embarrassed and I didn't know what to do, so I just layed there.
Well Chocolate eventually came back in. He had lost the shoes and was wearing flip flops and had brought a white towel and some baby oil with him. He noticed that the heater had cut off and went about getting it to warm up again. He fixed the sensor and laid back down with the one leg on the bench and the other hanging down. Well in walks the asian guy from the first steam room incident. He was completely naked and sat on the top bench on the far wall in between me and Chocolate. Chocolate immediately pulled up his other leg to hide his package from sight.
After about ten minutes the asian guy left, while the heat was kicked on. Chocolate got some water and poured it over the coals. We both sat there in the steam staring at each other. Chocolate got up again, and left the steam room.
By then, I decided no guts, no glory. I removed my towel and began fondling myself. I saw a shadow on the fall wall, indicating someone was coming in and semi wrapped myself back up. Chocolate sat down and oiled himself up again. He lingered over that mound of flesh in between his legs. I spread my legs wider and gave mine a little tug. That's when he started out right stroking. I followed up by removing my towel completely and stroking back. Chocolate propped one leg up, showing me his tight round ass, the balls just above it with that enormous member curving to the left. We continued stroking, watching each other, until finally Chocolate laid back and shot all over his abs. It was thick and white, and clear to see against his dark chest. He cleaned up and hurredly left the sauna. I followed, grabbing my towel and getting a shower. By the time I got dressed Chocolate was gone. I looked at the time.....8:45pm. I had been in the sauna for an hour and 30 minutes.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
School of Hard Knocks: Crash Course in Cruising
Back when I was at college, there was a certain bathroom on campus that was considered "cruisy." Now myself, having lived a sheltered life until then and experiencing a culture shock, did not know about "cruising" until I was 19y/o. My lesson went horribly WRONG!
That year I was taking an introduction to film class. I had just finished my paper on the stock characters of "Clasablanca" and had to rush to my professors office to turn it in. Making it there just in time before he left, I handed my paper in. That's when it hit me. A tightening in my stomach, followed by a crunch and gurgling sound from my bowels. Yes, I should not have ate the leftover burrito from Chipotle for lunch!
My professor's office was located in the basement of the arts building. I rushed quickly around trying to find a restroom, and was fortunate to find a sign pointing me in the right direction. I quickly entered the restroom and tried the stalls. The first three stalls were closed and locked, as I tried to pull on each door. I had to settle for the last stall, farthest from the door opposite the urinals that had no lock on it, just a hole in the door to which you could see through.
Pulling down my jeans and lifting my shirt a little, I sat down on the toilet seat (AFTER thoroughly wiping it off!) I placed my hands over my lap and I braced for IMPACT. That's when I got a "spidey sense" so to speak. Something in this bathroom was off.
First, all 4 stalls were occupied, yet you heard no sound what-so-ever. I'm a farmboy, and even I thought I could hear some crickets in that bathroom. Secondly, I noticed a foot in the other stall, very close to my partition. It didn't tap, to make a noise, yet it slowly elevated on it's heel, then returned back to it's resting position. This happened in a repitition of three, with a short break in between. Dammit, I didn't know morse code!
While I was noticing all this, my cheeks were clamped tighter then two fingers in some fingercuffs. (I get nervous when I think there is an audience) So, here it is nice and quiet, when in walks to guys. Both were very pale and slim. I'm guessing they were from the Drama department, since they were both dressed in suits and ties, and that department was putting on a production that afternoon.
They started to open my stall, at which point I grabbed the door to hold it closed. They let go of it, and decided to just go ahead and perform right there in the middle of the bathroom. I could see what was going on, cause of the hole where the lock should have been. They looked at my peeping eye and smiled. That's when I noticed that both guys had their POKEMON (in japanese it means POCKET MONSTER, I think it fits!) out and were playing with each others. You could hear their lips smacking against each others as they kissed, allowing their tongues to extend out so you could see them intertwined.
I was so focused on what was going on in front of me, that I hadn't seen the gentleman poking his head over the stall into mine. When he coughed, I looked up in horror at his face, and immediatly covered myself. Sorry, but when it comes to having to take a number 2, I don't want WITNESSES.
Well the shock must have thrown my system back into gear. Pressure had built up, and with only one path of release, found it's way there. It was LOUD, it was embarrasing, and it STUNK. The man immediately removed his head from my stall (I think he was suffocating, and perhaps he passed out from lack of oxygen, I don't know, I really should have checked up on him) I looked through the hole and saw the two boys make a wretched face and walk out. One by one I heard the slamming of stall doors as the victims tried to escape the deadly gas and sounds.
After clearing out the restroom and my own bowels, I cleaned up, washed my hands and departed the building. Walking back to my room, I started thinking about what had just happened. When I got to my dorm room, I passed Chris, my neighbor. I asked him how he was doing and he said fine. I noticed that he was carrying his trumpet and asked as to where he just came from. He looked at me with his nice smile and baby blue eyes and said, "The ARTS building."
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Pumping It Up....
Ok, so lately I have been very, no make that VERY, frustrated. I have decided to stop flogging the log. Thus, I have a lot of pent up stress (you try going from five times a day to zero, and see how you do!). So, like most men, I decided to take my frustration out, in a positve way........AT THE GYM.
Well, last monday, I went to the gym, and since the treadmills were all filled, I decided to use the stairmaster. So as I was climbing those imaginary stairs, I noticed a rather handsome, sweaty black male walk by. His face looked oddly familiar. Well, I continued climbing my stairs and reading my book until my hour was up. I quickly wiped off the machine and headed up to the lockerroom.
Changing out of my sweaty clothes, I put on a towel and took a shower. I noticed that sitting on a railing by the showers, was the black male I had seen earlier, talking with some guys. I took my shower, cleaning off before entering the sauna as all the signs around there asked. I opened the door, and took a seat on the bench across from the furnace.
About ten seconds later, in comes the guy in his sweaty gray pants, shirt and shoes and sits directly across from me. I nod at him and close my eyes, basking in the opressive heat, as the coils started firing up. Suddenly I heard a noise, and when I opened my eyes, the man had taken his shirt off. Completely normal for a guy to do in a sauna.
The man had a nice defined chest, both his pecs nice and brown, glistening with sweat. He definitely put the sugar in brown sugar! Rather then dawdle on this idea (considering the fact I was naked with nothing to cover me but a towel) I closed my eyes and let the heat wash over me again. Again, I heard a noise and opened my eyes. The guy had taken off his sweatpants, revealing some tight white boxershorts that seemed to shine against his dark ebony skin. His thighs were huge, and flexed. I felt like I was two again, and wanted to climb on the man's knee and let him take me for a pony ride.
Deciding it was my best interest not to look at him, I closed my eyes and put my head down on the upper bench that was to the left of me. Not even ten seconds afterwards, I heard another noise. I was afraid to look, but like someone passing a car accident scene, I could not stop myself. The man had removed his boxershorts, allowing his thick dark veiny member to hang low. He positioned himself on the edge of the bench with his legs spread, so his balls and meat hung down. I was fixated, as if in a trance by that dangling pendulum.
I kept watching the man, to see if he noticed me, noticing him. He was leaned forward with his eyes closed. You could see his stomach, flexing in and out, as if he was concentrating to do something. It didn't take long to figure out what, as he started growing, no longer pointing downward, but pointing at me. I closed my eyes and kept saying, "OMG, OMG, OMG, I can't lose my gym membership!"
Soon afterwards, he stood up stretching back, showing a semi erect bat, and walked out. "Thank god," I thought. I wasn't sure if I was sweating because of the heat in the sauna, or because of the company I had in the sauna. All I knew was that I could not take anymore.....
There's an old saying: God doesn't give us more then we can handle.
Obviously not enough, the gentleman walks back into the sauna. Completely naked. This time instead of sitting on the first bench, he sits directly across from me on the second bench. He placed a white towel down to sit on and proceeded to put his genatalia in that very noticable position. His package was EYE LEVEL with me! Trying to pry my eyes away from the large endowment (geez, God or his parents sure blessed him), he began talking to me. I was at a loss for words, and said only a few things before shutting up, afraid that I might drool on myself. While he continued the conversation, he began oiling himself up all over. That's when I recognized him.
A couple months earlier, I had been in the sauna with three men. One white, one asian and one black (not counting myself). While I was in there, the three men had began fondling themselves, to which point I quickly exited. This guy, was one of those guys.
Constantly talking and watching him, he finally decided that he was too hot and left the sauna. I watched through the sauna door, until he had finished taking his shower and had left, before I exited. Grabbing my towel from the locker, I quickly took a long, COLD SHOWER.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Shore Pride January Meeting

This past month, my friend Vincent held the meeting at his house. I think everyone had a very good time! For me, Shore Pride is a way to get out of the house. It's been over two years since I left the club/dance/bar world and choose to become a recluse (so to speak). Going to the meetings (as I'm saying this, it sounds like I'm confessing I have a problem like Alcoholism and the meetings are AA) is therapeutic to me. I really have lost contact with how to interract with human beings. At my job of course, I just mostly yell and scream and ignore people, but I think that's what most jobs are like..................aren't they?
Anway, so here's some pictures from the meeting................if you are in the area, look us up!

Above: Jeffery, Don, Dave and Patrick
Above, right: Me, Beth, Heather and Jessica
Far right: Cindy and Butch