Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I guess the Price was Right

I was watching the Price Is Right today on television for the first time in umpteen years. The contestant was a girl named Ashley from Long Island, NY. Ashley is a Journalism major. What captivated me about Ashley, was not her looks, her name, or where she was from. It was her shirt that said, "BOB BARKER IS GORGES." Gorges?????? Curious, I decided to look up the word and here's what I found:

Main Entry: ^1gorge
Pronunciation: 'gorj
Function: noun
Etymology:Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin gurga, alteration of gurges, from Latin, whirlpool
1: Throat -- often used with rise to indicate revulsion accompanied by a sensation of constriction
2 a: a hawk's crop b: STOMACH, BELLY
3: the entrance into an outwork (as a bastion) of a fort
4: a narrow passage through land; especially: a narrow steep-walled canyon or part of a canyon
5: a primitive device used instead of a fishhook that consists of an object (as a piece of bone attached in the middle of a line) easy to swallow but difficult to eject
6: a mass choking a passage
7: the line on the front of a coat or jacket formed by the crease of the lapel and collar*

Who knew two missing letters could say so much??????
Merriam-Webster Online

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At Thursday, December 07, 2006 10:10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The beautiful city of Ithaca, New York is home to many gorges (of the "narrow passage" definition). ITHICA IS GORGES has appeared on bumper stickers and tee-shirts for years.
Bob Barker? Handsome, maybe, but gorges???


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