Tuesday, August 08, 2006

My Guy, My Guy, My Guy, Talking bout...Myyyyy Guyyyyy.

Me and my friend Catarina went to the Harrington Slots last night. On the trip over we kept noticing hot guys all along the way. It seemed to be boys in tight jeans with wife beaters and tattoos night. We were LOVING IT!

Everywhere we seemed to stop guys seemed to swarm. It was eye candy night, and we were window shopping. Me being in my usual amorous nature, could barely control myself. After several leers, jeers and impromptu braking, we finally made it to the slots.

We walked in the door and immediately came face to face with a 5'12, white, bone-thin, secuirty guard wearing tan trousers and a green button up shirt. His top front teeth seemed to just hang over his bottom lip. He was geeky/goofy looking and totally not my type. Before the door even shut from our entrance, he shouted very loudly, "I'M YOUR GUY!"

My friend Catarina immediately turned to me and said, "There you go!"

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