Last week I went to work with my friend Catarina. She works for "Mommy and Me" a retail store. Unfortunately, most of her staff has quit on her and she needed some help, so I offered to go to work with her. NEVER AGAIN! I thought a store specializing in clothing for pregnant women would be kinda laid back and relaxed. WRONG! From the moment we got there at 10am until we left at 6pm, the place was crazy.

I have never worked retail in my life, but I'm a quick study. I knew how the clothes were suppose to be folded (thanks to the president of Pi Kappa Phi who came to my dorm room one night when I was folding laundry and proceeded to tell me I was doing it wrong). As for everything else I was clueless. Catarina helped me throughout the day, telling me where to put things and how certain things had to be.

When we first got there, Catarina wanted to create a new display for certain products, so we started on that and tried to keep up throughout the day. Most of the time she was on register and I was trying to put the clothes away and straighten. Harder then it seems when people grab things as soon as you put them away constantly. The women were crazy, grabbing about 40 items, taking them into the dressing room, and deciding on only 3 they wanted to purchase.
I felt like I was watching something on the Nature Channel or Wild Kingdom.
At the end of the day, Catarina asked if I would like to come work with her as a Co-manager. The pay would be more then I am currently making but the drive would be double, and I just was not comfortable in retail. I told her that I was sorry, but there wasn't a chance in hell I would ever go back.
[Sidebar: That day on the way into work, we crossed the Severn Bridge and noticed a barge in the middle of the river. There was no boat around it and seemed to be just floating there in the middle. We both joked that it was harboring terrorists and they were going to blow up the bridge or some junk. Two days later, a barge, unattended, hit/floated into the Severn Bridge's supports. Me and Catarina were shocked]
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